

Fine woody detritus volume and mass in small watersheds at Andrews Experimental Forest, 2002 to 2003

  • Creator(s): Mark E. Harmon
  • PI(s): Mark E. Harmon
  • Originator(s): Mark E. Harmon
  • Other researcher(s): Jay M. Sexton, Becky Fasth
  • Dates of data collection: Jun 17 2002 - Sep 30 2003
  • Data collection status: Study collection is completed and no new collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Last update: Sep 12 2013 (Version 7)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
Harmon, M. 2013. Fine woody detritus volume and mass in small watersheds at Andrews Experimental Forest, 2002 to 2003. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: Accessed 2025-03-06.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 2025755), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.
Four small watersheds (WS06, WS07, WS08, and WS09) at the Andrews Experimental Forest were inventoried for fine woody detritus (FWD) using the line transect method as described in Guidelines for measurements of woody detritus in forest ecosystems (Harmon and Sexton 1996). In each watershed plot, four transects of 4 meters in length were inventoried. Slopes of the transect were determined as the plots were not laid out slope corrected. The number of pieces of FWD were tallied along each transect for two size classes, 0.63-2.54 cm and 2.54-7.62 cm. Volume calculations were determined by use of the formula in Harmon and Sexton 1996. Mean bulk density was determined from samples collected and measured. Field measurements used to determine density included diameter and length. In the lab, the samples were weighed to determine wet weight and dried.

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1Fine Woody Detritus Line Transect Data, Volumes, and Masses (Jun 17 2002 - Sep 30 2003)METADATADATA
2Density of fine woody detritus samples used to determine masses (Jun 17 2002 - Sep 30 2003)METADATADATA

 Plant biomass and nutrient stores - An unpublished preliminary report on plant biomass and nutrient stores in seven small watersheds at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (August 2009)

 Plant biomass dynamics following logging, burning, and thinning in Watersheds 6 and 7, Andrews Experimental Forest, 1979 to present (TP114)
 Plant biomass dynamics in old-growth Watersheds 8 and 9 at the Andrews Experimental Forest, 2003 to present (TP115)

 Harmon, Mark E., Sexton, Jay 1996, Guidelines for measurements of woody detritus in forest ecosystems (Pub. No: 2255)