

Average monthly and annual precipitation spatial grids. (1971-2000 and 1980-1989), Andrews Experimental Forest

  • Creator(s): Christopher Daly
  • PI(s): Christopher Daly
  • Originator(s): Christopher Daly
  • Other researcher(s): Kim Bredensteiner
  • Dates of data collection: Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000
  • Data collection status: Study collection is completed and no new collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Last update: Dec 22 2015 (Version 5)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
Daly, C. 2015. Average monthly and annual precipitation spatial grids. (1971-2000 and 1980-1989), Andrews Experimental Forest. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: Accessed 2025-03-06.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 2025755), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.

These files are spatially gridded precipitation of average monthly and annual precipitation for the climatological periods 1971-2000 and 1980-89, Andrews Experimental Forest. The original 1980-89 grids were updated for a greater time span and also the extent of the coverage is increased. Interpolation of point station measurements to a spatial grid was done using the PRISM model, developed by Christopher Daly of the PRISM Group at Oregon State University. PRISM interpolation accounts for the effects of elevation on the spatial patterns of precipitation. Grid resolution is 100 meters. Station data used in the interpolation were obtained from current and historic rain gauge stations within the forest. These grids represent the first significant effort to map climatological precipitation in the Andrews Forest. Further information on PRISM can be found at

Study Description Download Study Location Information: (CSV)
Ecological Metadata Language: (EML)
1Mean January monthly precipitation (1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
2Mean February monthly precipitation (1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
3Mean March monthly precipitation (1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
4Mean April monthly precipitation(1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
5Mean May monthly precipitation (1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
6Mean June monthly precipitation(1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
7Mean July monthly precipitation (1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
8Mean August monthly precipitation (1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
9Mean September monthly precipitation (1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
10Mean October monthly precipitation (1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
11Mean November monthly precipitation (1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
12Mean December monthly precipitation (1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
14Mean annual precipitation (1980-1989) MAP / METADATADATA
15Mean January monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
16Mean February monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
17Mean March monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
18Mean April monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
19Mean May monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
20Mean June monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
21Mean July monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
22Mean August monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
23Mean September monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
24Mean October monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
25Mean November monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
26Mean December monthly precipitation (1971-2000) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA
27Mean Annual precipitation (1971-2010) (Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000)MAP / METADATADATA

 Meteorological data from benchmark stations at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 1957 to present (MS001)
 Meteorological Data Metadata Descriptions (MS002)